
Without US Manufacturing Jobs Americans Won’t Survive

While unemployment numbers say that more people are working and less are still out of work, too many of these jobs are low paying, minimum wage or even part-time jobs that pay very little and rarely have benefits. Are US manufacturing jobs the answer? Read more to find out ....


Will China Overtake The US In Manufacturing?

In 1985, America produced 28 percent of the world's goods. Today US manufacturing is still the world's largest producer at 18.2%. However, China is closing up fast. Just what is China's world market share and are they going to catch us? Read more to find out ....


Lodge Cast Iron Cookware

Founded in 1896 in South Pittsburg, Tennessee. Today, Lodge Cast Iron remains a family owned, family operated business producing the most extensive selection of quality cast iron goods on the market. Read more and find out where you can buy this fine American cookware here …

Our $10 Per Month Challenge

As I am sure you know by now, the Buy American Campaign's mission is to bring awareness to the American consumer and to encourage them to consider buying products made in America. Helping American manufacturing by buying products made in the USA is not only important to our generation, but it is just as important for future generations of Americans. If you need to find out more about why manufacturing is so important to this country, visit our website and investigate the many articles that have so far been written. We plan to keep writing and distributing these articles to help get our message out there.

This will probably not come as a shock to you to find out that all this takes money. We are restricted on how we can distribute our message by our budget constraints. We have some generous contributors for which we are very grateful, but unfortunately it is not enough. In order to increase our distribution, we need to increase our resources.

Every little bit helps and that is why we have started up the $10 per month challenge. All we ask is that you contribute $10 per month to help us get the message out to more Americans. Obviously, you are welcome to give more than that and there are options available, but if enough people make the commitment, $10 per month will make a big difference. If you believe in American manufacturing and the benefits it can bring to this and future generations, please click the link below and sign up today. We made it easy to sign up and there is no long term commitment.


Thank you

Buy American Campaign

Here Is What You Didn’t Know About Manufacturing In the United States

Manufacturing In the United States is changing rapidly. There are new challenges that have to be overcome. How can this be achieved so that Americans can get the jobs they need and want? We explain ....



Are you wondering why you should buy American made products or are you thinking there’s no big deal in purchasing from any producer you like or would you like to know the benefits that are attached to purchasing products from American companies?
Then you should read this article.


Two Interesting American Toy Manufacturing Companies

Not all toys are made overseas. Here are a couple of excellent American toy manufacturers. You can still buy toys made by Americans for Americans. Check them out...


Why You Should Buy American Made Products

There’s a lot you can do to help return U.S manufacturing to the level it used to be in it's hey day, but why should you? We explain ...
